
Search through the many diverse and interesting clubs established here at UH Manoa!

Table of Contents



At UH Manoa, there are over 200 Registered Independent Organizations, not including the active organizations that are not registered. However, despite this large number of organizations, there is no easy and interactive way for students to learn what kind of clubs are out there, least of all how to join them. This leads to a lack of student involvement in extracurricular activities and can affect their networking opportunities.

Our Solution

The application, ClubSearch-Manoa, will give students the opportunity to browse through a plethora of clubs, each detailing what they do as well as contact info and meet times. The web-app must account for club admins who wish to change the club info displayed, as well as a super admin who can regulate the material on the site as well as convert regular users to club admins should they take on a leadership role in a club. Users will be allowed to narrow down the clubs they wish to view based off their own interests.


The ClubSearch-Manoa project implements the following resources and technologies:

User Experience

This section provides a quick guide through the ClubSearch-Manoa user interface.

Landing Page

The landing page will be the homepage where users will be able to navigate through signing in and searching through clubs.

Login and Sign-Up Pages

In the sign-in page the user will be allowed to sign in wth their username and password. If they do not have login credentials, they are able to sign up.

The sign up page will require the user to create a username, password, upload a profile picture, and indicate their interests.

Index Pages (Browse Clubs, Your Clubs, Admin)

On this page users will be able to filter through clubs and view the different profiles.

The YourClubs page will display all the clubs you are a member of if you are a regular user. Whereas if you are a club admin, then you will see all of the clubs you are an officer of.

The Admin pages will allow the super admin to add new clubs and delete clubs as well.

Community Feedback

Testers noted the ease of navigating the website and finding clubs that they have an interest in. They’d also expressed interest for the inclusion of contact emails for different clubs and the current number of clubs listed in the database. However, they also noted that making an account necessary for being able to view clubs should instead be a default function of the website that would not require the registration of an account. In addition, they expressed a desire for a search bar to help ease navigation even more. Overall, the feedback from testers have been moderately positive and some even mentioned that they wished this kind of website was available to them when they first started college.



First, install Meteor

Next, you can access our ClubSearch-Manoa website application GitHub page here.

Third, cd into the clubsearch-manoa/app directory and install the libraries with:

$ meteor npm install

After, run the system with:

$ meteor npm run start

Finally, the application should be accessible at


This subsection will be documenting our development process of ClubSearch-Manoa. clubsearch-manoa

Milestone 1

This milestone will be the beginning and the foundation of the project webpage. It will mainly consist of a set of HTML pages consisting of mockups of our system. We will be updating the following screenshots of the project board as our deployment progresses.

This is milestone was managed using the ClubSearch-Manoa GitHub Project Board M1:

Milestone 2

This milestone will be the meat of our project. It will contain core functionalities such as adding and editing clubs which are read from the database. Screenshots will be updated as our efforts on this project continue.

This milestone is managed using the ClubSearch-Manoa GitHub Project Board M2:

Milestone 3

This milestone will be the culmination of our efforts. All of the core functionalities will be implemented fully and the database will be populated with a variety of clubs. In addition, small-scale testing will commence using non-314 members.

This milestone is managed using the ClubSearch-Manoa GitHub Project Board M3:

Meet the Developers